Approaching Landscape
11th Celtic Conference in Classics
Provisional Schedule
Thursday 12th July
9.00am – 9.50am: Slot 1. Introduction
9.00am – 9.10am: Welcome and introduction to panel, Dawn Hollis and Jason König.
9.10am – 9.40am: Katharine Earnshaw. Approaches to Landscape.
9.40am – 9.50am: Questions and discussion.
9.55am – 10.45am: Slot 2.
Please note: for this and all other paired panels, the 25 minutes for each speaker will be divided into 20 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
9.55am – 10.20am: Elizabeth Minchin. Visualizing the Shield of Achilles: approaching its landscapes via cognitive paths.
10.20am – 10.45am: Maria Combatti. “Seeing it in Painting”: Affects and Landscape in Euripides Hippolytus.
10.45am – 11.15am: Break.
11.15am – 12.05pm: Slot 3.
11.15am – 11.40am: Andrew Fox. The Roman Trees Database and Seneca’s Trees.
11.40am – 12.05pm: Isabel Koster. How to Write a Roman Sacred Landscape.
12.10pm – 1.00pm: Slot 4.
12.10pm – 12.35pm: Ben Felderhof. Aristotle and the Jungle.
12.35pm – 1.00pm: Ryan Warwick. Where is the “there” in the ancient garden?: Heterotopias of Antiquity.
1.00pm – 2.00pm: Lunch
2.00pm – 2.50pm: Slot 5.
2.00pm – 2.25pm: Dawn Hollis. The ‘reception’ of landscape? Christopher Wordsworth’s Greece.
2.25pm – 2.50pm: Josie Rae. Et in Arcadia Ego: (Re)establishing the Complexity of Pastoral Landscapes.
3.00pm – 3.50pm: Slot 6.
3.00pm – 3.25pm: Chloe Bray. Memorable Mountains: Embodiment and Conceptual Networks in Euripides’ Bacchae.
3.25pm – 3.50pm: Julia Doroszewska. The Marsh, the Mill, the Margins (and Many More): Liminal Landscapes in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses.
3.50pm – 4.30pm: Break
4.30pm – 5.20pm: Slot 7. Workshop discussion.
5.30pm – 6.30pm: CCC Plenary
Friday 13th July
9.00am – 9.50am: Slot 8.
9.00am – 9.25am: Caleb Patrick Simone. Mountain Soundscapes: Theorizing Auletic Sound in Rocky Surrounds.
9.25am – 9.50am: Jason König. Embodied memory in ancient and modern travel writing.
9.55am – 10.45am: Slot 9.
9.55am – 10.20am: Rebecca Batty. Experiences with the landscape: Post-phenomenology, Rivers, and Romans.
10.20am – 10.45am: Marina Lambrakis. Placing the Body, Embodying the Place: Landscape and Performativity in Greece Between the Wars.
10.45am – 11.15am: Break.
11.15am – 12.05pm: Slot 10.
11.15am – 11.40am: Eris Williams Reed. Ecology and religious life in the Roman Near East: methodologies, applications and future directions.
11.40am – 12.05pm: Benjamin Pullan. Nature (Un-)Tamed: Ecocritical Perspectives on the pseudo-Virgilian Aetna.
12.10pm – 1.00pm: Slot 11.
12.10pm – 12.35pm: Jeremy Brown. Putting myth on the map: imaginary landscapes in early modern Calabria.
12.35pm – 1.00pm: Estelle Strazdins. Pausanias, the Cave of Pan, and the Construction of Authority in Anglophone Traveller-Scholars.
1.00pm – 2.00pm: Lunch
2.00pm – 2.50pm: Slot 12.
2.00pm – 2.25pm: James Calvin Taylor. Fluvial Factions: Himerius’ Meander versus Herodotus’ Nile.
2.25pm – 2.50pm: Esther Eidinow. Networks and narratives: the creation of sacred landscapes.
3.00pm – 3.50pm: Slot 13. Concluding workshop discussion.
3.50pm – 4.30pm: Break
4.30pm – 5.30pm: CCC Plenary
Evening: Conference Dinner and ceilidh.
Saturday 14th July
10.00am – 11.30am Optional Phenomenological Field Trip
To meet outside Golf Museum for walk to the tip of West Sands and back. Panellists will be encouraged to take this opportunity to further discussions begun during preceding two days and, if desired, to establish connections for further collaborations and conversations between one another.
12.00pm – 1.00pm: CCC Plenary
1.00pm – 2.00pm: Lunch.